Truckstop user reviewing freight matching.
Digital Freight Matching

Curious about what digital freight matching is all about? Learn about digital freight matching and the idea that a carrier can simply tap to accept a load and then hit the road.

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truck driver using factoring company
Choosing the Best Factoring Company for Your Trucking Business

One of the most significant issues for any small business is cash flow. Most clients you haul for pay your outstanding invoices 30, 60, or even 90 days later. In the meantime, you still have expenses to continue to run your company. Some daily and monthly expenses like fuel, maintenance, and insurance can’t be put

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Factoring written on a notebook.
Recourse vs. Non-Recourse Factoring

Invoice factoring is the practice of “selling” your invoices, or accounts receivables, to a company that then pays you right away for that invoice, minus a fee. This helps you increase cash flow to pay bills, finance operations, take on new business, and handle business expenses as they come up. Factoring companies may also handle

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Carrier on his laptop
Freight Invoicing: Pricing Factors and Best Practices

Having an efficient process for generating freight invoices will help you get paid faster. Getting paid faster means carriers can concentrate more on booking freight and delivering loads rather than racking up hours creating invoices and tracking down payments. We’ll explain some of the key elements that make up a freight invoice and the level of detail

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