Risks and Uncertainties of Rate Forecasting
Date: July 24, 2020
This Rate Forecasting product offers forecasts, projections and other predictive statements derived from historical rate data from Truckstop.com and incorporates FTR’s assumptions and expectations in light of currently available data. Consequently, there are in inherent risks when using this product, as the data is subject to many variables and market uncertainties. All such risk is assumed entirely by the user. The forecasts generated from using this product are focused primarily on industry trends, but the rates may differ from those projected by this product. Any use of this product is provided ‘AS IS’ and without any warranty, express or implied, concerning the accuracy of specific forecasts, projections or predictive statements. Truckstop.com makes no guarantee that this product will meet the user’s business needs or expectations. Truckstop.com assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any indirect, direct, punitive or any other damages resulting from the use of information derived from this product. Please additionally refer to our Terms and Conditions which govern the access or use of this product.